Ffmpeg crop video without reencoding
Ffmpeg crop video without reencoding

ffmpeg crop video without reencoding ffmpeg crop video without reencoding

In the two rows before it the rotation matrix is stored In between there should be an sign (HEX 40) Some rows above (for my files mostly 9, sometimes 12) you should see trak.\tkhd Open mp4 with hex editor and search for vide to find the metadata of the video track metadata) rotation, I couldn't find a solution, so I grabbed a hex editor (eg HxD) and analyzed the rotated video files. exiftool can read the rotation matrix and rotation flag, and since version 10.89 also write it as described below. Is there an issue here with the re-encoding? Should I first re-encode the videos from my phone to another, more "workable" encoding before applying the rotations? Or am I missing another important point?įFmpeg and similar programs change the metadata even with the -map_metadata option. I also get an error in logging output which states Mb Rate > level limit. However, this is painstakingly slow (last test took me more than 6 hours for less than 3 minutes of footage) and does not result in a playable movie. This made me using following command: avconv -i original.mp4 -vf "transpose=1" -codec:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 25 -codec:a copy flipped.mp4 I found this question detailing the way to go forward. I have found several previous questions which are hinting at a good solution but I can't seem to manage to get it working.īut it indicates that ffmpeg is outdated and that I should use avconv. Preferably the rotation is command-line driven. The videos are shot in portrait mode and I would like to rotate them to landscape mode. I'm looking for a way to rotate videos shot with my Nexus 4 on my Debian Wheezy sytem.

Ffmpeg crop video without reencoding