International institute of strategic studies' armed conflict database
International institute of strategic studies' armed conflict database

GIS as Geographical Information System, Science and Studies.

international institute of strategic studies

The course further aims to give participants and understanding on what GIS is as well as to provide participants with the necessary understanding of basic GIS concepts and tools, such as: Examples are mostly drawn from the use of GIS for the sub-national study of civil armed conflict, but as the techniques are generic, course participants should be able to see their relevance for other purposes. Lectures will be balanced between the theoretical and the practical with several examples. Many of these exercises will provide students a model on how to populate a data table (that can later be used for a statistical analysis) with geographic or disaggregated variables. A number of exercises will be given to allow students to become familiar with the essential GIS functionalities. The course aims to give participants an extensive hands-on experience with the use of GIS operations and to apply georeferenced data.

International institute of strategic studies' armed conflict database